In various paintings found in the pyramids of Egypt, they depict people who are involved in beekeeping.
In ancient Greece, beekeeping has also been at a fairly high level since prehistoric times as modern research shows. After all, there are Aristotle's writings about beekeeping. His views were still valid until the Middle Ages.
The Middle Ages did not add many new things to beekeeping, except perhaps the smoke, when they were going to deal with bees, so that they would not be too wild. Later beekeeping was a kind of monks' occupation in the monasteries, where it developed significantly.
The biggest development has been experienced by Lassithi's beekeeping in the last hundred years and even greater in recent years after the war. Today there are now many well -known things from bee biology, from the law that governs their lives, their way of life, etc. In some states beekeeping has taken on the nature of industrial production, such as in Canada, Russia and the USA. Old primitive hives have been replaced with new wooden and much more practical and efficient.
Today there are two ways of beekeeping. The traditional, where all of the hives remains in one place and the modern one, which is every time transferred to the area with flowers. The second way, nomadic beekeeping, is considered incomparably more effective and more efficient.
In Greece there are more than 60 beekeeping associations. Beekeeping associations are united together and forming the Federation of Beekeeping Associations of Greece and in Greece there have been beekeeping centers since 2000. The operation of the 14 beekeeping centers have undertaken beekeeping cooperatives, is staffed by scientific staff which, in addition to its technical assistance, implements the only Greek beekeeper subsidized program of improving the production and marketing of the products.
Greece has ideal conditions for beekeeping. But its development in the country is not such as its climatic conditions allow. As a result, domestic production does not meet the needs of domestic consumption in Greece, the largest amounts of honey come from pine (55-60%), fir production (5-10%) and thyme (15%) is significant. About 80% of those who deal with beekeeping are farmers and the remaining 20% heterogeneous professionals. Bees cover about 1.80% of Greek animal production